See the celebrities who studied with the Montessori method.
Cheguei no país com seis anos e imediatamente fui para uma escola Montessori. […] Eu realmente acho que me beneficiei da educação Montessori, que de algumas maneiras dá aos alunos muito mais liberdade para fazer as coisas do seu jeito, e para descobrir. Interessante que meu parceiro Larry Page também tenha ido a um jardim de infância e pré-escola Montessori; é algo que temos em comum. Eu acho mesmo que algum crédito da vontade de ir atrás de seus interesses… você pode ligar isso àquela educação Montessori.
Sergey Brin, Co-Fundador do Google
Great personalities who marked history chose the Montessori Method and thus, saw the world from a different perspective to live new experiences, with a unique way of expressing their freedom and creativity.
Follow below who were the celebrities who have attended a Montessori school.
Larry Page and Sergey Brin
Larry Page and Sergey Brin were responsible for creating the best-known online search engine in the world: Google . They attribute part of their professional success to the Montessori method and the independence it provides.
Mark Zuckerberg
The Founder of Facebook, the largest social network on the planet and current owner of Instagram and Whatsapp, studied at Montessori school.
bill Gates
Founder of Microsoft and one of the most supportive men in the world.
Anne Frank
Anne Frank became known worldwide for writing a diary during World War II, when she and her family, who were Jewish, were persecuted by the Nazis. Until 1944 they lived in Amsterdam, when German soldiers discovered their hiding place.
Anne, described as curious and fun, had contact with the Montessori Method during her childhood and in her adolescence she showed great interest in writing and journalism.
Alan Rickman
Alan was a British actor who became known worldwide for playing the role of Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter saga. The outstanding performance gave him awards, such as the BAFTA.
As a child, he attended a Montessori school in the City of London.
Julia Child
Julia McWilliams, popularly known as Julia Child, was a cookbook writer and TV presenter. Her life won a movie in 2009, called Julie & Julia and starring Meryl Streep.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Writer, journalist and editor, Gabriel Garcia Marquez was one of the most important novelists of the last century, writing classics such as One hundred years of Solitude and Love in the time of cholera. As a child, he studied at a Montessori school in Colombia, and reported several times how the method of education contributed to his literacy.
Princes William, Harry and George
The Montessori Method was also chosen by members of the British Royal Family: before getting married, Lady Diana worked in a Montessori school and chose for her children William and Harry this fantastic education methodology, which will now also be passed on to George, William's son. .
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, attended a Montessori school until third grade. Today he owns one of the largest e-commerce stores in the world and has a net worth valued at around 90 billion dollars.
Jimmy Wales
One of those responsible for the Wikipedia project, Jimmy Wales studied at a school with Montessori influence and always loved to read, especially printed encyclopedias during his childhood.
Wikipedia is now known worldwide as one of the most successful platforms for collaborative information.
Will Wright
Will Wright is the game designer responsible for The Sims, SimCity and Spore, which he says were inspired by ideas from Maria Montessori. In games there is no defined trajectory and each player has autonomy to make their choices within the narrative.
George Clooney
Renowned producer, director and actor, George Clooney made his mark in Hollywood and attended preschool at a Montessori school. He is now the only artist nominated for an Oscar in six different categories.
One of today's most famous singers, Beyonce studied at a Montessori school that recognized music as a learning tool. Today we can see where she has come: she is one of the biggest phenomena in the world and one of the most awarded artists in history.
For more names, you can consult the list on the website of the American Montessori Institute (in English). Even on this site you can find other names linked to Montessori, such as inventor Alexander Graham Bell (he and his wife founded the Montessori Education Association in 1913) and Thomas Edison. According to Thomas Edison National Historic Park, Thomas Edison said: “I appreciate the Montessori Method. He teaches through games. Makes learning a pleasure. It follows the natural instincts of human beings. Unlike the current, traditional system that freezes the brain. Which does not encourage creative thinking or reasoning.”