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Teaching  Fundamental I
Intermediary Years - From 1st to 5th year

Elementary education is one of the most important phases of educational formation,  Monica's International School has developed an active learning process allied to the principles of Montessorian methodology that have guided our institution since 1989 as pillars of teaching.

Within an education that respects individuality, the child is welcomed and receives the appropriate stimuli for their stage of development.

In the Montessori method, learning occurs naturally and with a succession of independence achievements. Between birth and six years, the search is for physical independence and in the interval between six and twelve years, intellectual independence. The child starts to resort to reasoning to plan, research, inquire, doubt.

Pronto para a escola

Pedagogical Material – CLOE, Camino Learning Platform

All our planning is based on the Montessori philosophy and essence that has been applied in our school for 32 years. In a dynamic and modern way, we combine the most current and compatible with our values and pedagogical principles, taking into account the needs and interests of the 21st century student.       

To support this new journey, we use the CLOE digital platform, whose materials and content were developed with experts from Teachers' College, Columbia University — a global reference in education research.

Google For Education

Our school partners with Google in the use of its digital platforms and resources, all Elementary students receive a Chromebook or google tablet for exclusive use in the school year in the classroom.


Nova grade curricular - Currículo Brasileiro-Americano

Nossos alunos cursam os currículos formais de dois países, Estados Unidos e Brasil.  Sendo assim, ao nosso aluno serão oferecidas as disciplinas de Science, Math e English Language Arts do currículo oficial americano, que é integralmente baseado no Core Curriculum, o qual proporciona um projeto pedagógico focado no desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências, estando, portanto, diretamente ligado com o projeto Montessoriano promovido pela Monica’s International School. 

Importante destacar que os alunos da Montessori International School obterão dois históricos escolares, um emitido pelo Brasil e outro pelos USA, já a partir do First Grade.

Por fim, a gestão acadêmica será realizada pelo Corpo Docente e Coordenação Pedagógica da Monica's International School que continuará desenvolvendo com a excelência necessária o programa educacional Montessoriano da instituição, e  também, contará com o apoio da gestão pedagógica paralela da WorldEd School, que através de  uma supervisão presencial e virtual sedimentará a implantação do duplo americano conforme as determinações e especificações da legislação educacional do Estado da Florida . 

Estamos certos de que esta parceria promoverá um horizonte de novas possibilidades aos nossos alunos, os quais fazem parte de um projeto pedagógico de excelência que segue rigorosamente as determinações acadêmicas da BNCC.

Being provided with an education that respects individuality, the child is welcomed and receives the appropriate stimuli for their stage of development.

In the Montessori method, learning occurs naturally and in consequence of the achievement of independence. Between birth and six years, the search is for physical independence and between six and twelve years, it is intellectual independence. The child starts to use reasoning to plan, research, inquire, and doubt.

From there, we included in our work the use of Montessori materials for the development of knowledge (to expand learning), supported by the Expeditions  available on the digital platform. Through all this however our main focus is keeping the child's imagination their main tool in this development plan.


Pedagogical Material - CLOE: Camino Learning Platform

All our planning is based on the Montessori philosophy and essence that has been applied in our school for 32 years. In a dynamic and modern way, we bring together what is most current and compatible with our values​​ and pedagogical principles, taking into account the needs and interests of the 21st century student.

To support this new journey, we will use the CLOE digital platform whose materials and content have been prepared with experts from Teachers' College, Columbia University — a global reference in education research.

The contents are constantly updated in order to bring the best and most complete support to classrooms.

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Escola Fundamental Santo amaro
Ensino fundamental bilíngue
Fundamental Internacional
Elementary in São Paulo
Ensino fundamental Montessoriano

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